Minor Gordon

Engineer · Teacher · Writer

What I do

Analyze. I can help you diagnose stubborn problems, and provide thoughtful and succinct analysis in presentations and writing.

Execute. I can help you turn audacious ideas into working software. I'm frequently asked to lead high-risk, high-reward, strategic projects that require rapid implementation in order to get feedback from users.

Guide. I can be a sounding board for you, and offer a broad, alternative perspective on both technical and non-technical concerns. I'm able to ask questions in an empathetic way and take my ego out of the equation. When the opportunity arises, I deeply enjoy mentoring people one-on-one, and empowering them to move beyond me.

Translate. I'm eager to understand the needs and concerns of clients and customers, ideally by interacting directly with them. Instead of insisting that users speak the language of software, I learn how they talk about the challenges they face, and how to translate between that language and software requirements.

Since earning my PhD in computer science I've worked in industrial research, small product development companies, professional services firms, and academia. I have contributed to multiple early-stage startups and co-founded three of my own, one of which was acquired in 2022.


What I value

in my professional life, and in the people I work with

Communication. The ability to communicate well – with words, images, dress, body language, and other means – is essential to success as a technologist. Code is a medium, too: "Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute." (Abelson)

Creativity. I gravitate towards problems that have ambiguous requirements, non-obvious solutions, and visible impact. I enjoy thinking laterally and drawing on the breadth of my knowledge and experience.

Determination. My favorite professional experiences have involved working with people who are hungry for growth and continual improvement, don't shy away from hard problems, and see failure as an opportunity to learn.

Emotional intelligence. It's possible to get by in the IT industry on technical skill alone, but it's not very effective. Interpersonal skills have a way of amplifying your impact – working on teams, serving clients and users – while a lack of those skills undermines your potential.

Humility. Throughout my life I've sought out teachers, mentors, and colleagues whose knowledge, skill, and talent were a stark reminder that there is always room for improvement. Whenever I started to feel like a big fish in the pond, I knew it was time to find a bigger pond.

Idiosyncrasy. I am passionate about fashion history and vintage clothes. In my spare time I enjoy arranging flowers and photographing them. I like working with people who defy conventional expectations.

Openness. I am a lifelong learner and avid reader. I enjoy traveling and have lived in multiple countries.

Other focus. I come from a family of doctors, teachers, and social workers. We are people who help other people by teaching and healing. I've maintained the same ideals and focus in my work.